MSP® Study Guide

Helping all organizations - public sector and private, large and small - achieve successful outcomes from their programme management.

Managing Successful Programmes (MSP®) Study Guide

This study guide covers the MSP Foundation, Practitioner and Advanced Practitioner qualifications. Its purpose is to provide supporting information to candidates to help them take the MSP qualification.

The aid is to be read alongside the core guidance, reading it in isolation will not provide sufficient knowledge to pass the MSP Foundation examinations.

Key Features

Provides enough information about the MSP qualifications so that the candidate will be familiar with the scope of the papers.

Gives guidance on the types of questions candidates will be asked and help on how to approach the examinations.

Uses consistent terminology with the MSP and the PPM Common Glossary, acronyms and definitions.

Covers the Qualification structure for MSP and exam preparation.

Uses examples, hints and tips to help explain concepts where necessary.

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